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A Game by Liz and Sean
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"We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately." -Benjamin Franklin
Quarantine Social is a hivemind game for people stranded, people in places with good broadband but maybe no entertainment. This is a game for all ages, all kinds of situations. Teams compete to find items in their homes, answer clues, and take part in social games to earn points. Play for fun. Play for glory. But play, dammit! Connect with other human beings and have fun sharing in the common things that bind us as a specices.
- A Game Master(GM)/Score Keeper(SC) (can be same person, but works better if it's a dynamic duo).
- 3-25 Teams or Households, each with video-capable access to Zoom, Hangouts, Teams, etc.
- List of QS items and questions.For the Original List, click here. For the Bonus Lists, click here.
- A white piece of paper or cardstock & markers (one per team).
- Beverages - Doesn't have to be alcoholic, just needs to be handy for toasts and penalties.
- Fun Music!
- First and Second Place prizes (giftcards are great).
Setup a.k.a. "Welcome To The Fiesta Zone!"
Organize and distribute your video link ahead of time. Allow ample time before the game for all players to connect. Be sure each team knows how to share their video and audio(and mute!). Each team must set up a STATIONARY video call area in their location. We will call this area "The Fiesta Zone!". The Fiesta Zone is your own personal TV studio, a little shoebox diarama that you're sharing with the hivemind. Costumes, fun digital backgrounds, and colorful lights/decorations/themes are all encouraged. More importantly, in order for points to count, all objects must be brought into the fiesta zone for ajudication. FOR SAFETY'S SAKE, NO WALKING AROUND WITH YOUR PHONE! This is a physical game and you need to pay attention to where you are going.
Each team must create a nametag out of the white piece of paper using block letters large enough to read on camera. Decorate, be creative. Showing this to the camera is how teams will indicate they're ready to answer the question or bounty.
- Connect to the video call.
- Wait for all participants to connect.
- Set video screen to gallery or grid mode (aka Brady Bunch mode). This will allow the scorekeeper to see all players at once.
- GM makes introductions, goes over rules - After all players are connected, have each team introduce themselves and show their white paper sign to the camera to indicate they are ready to begin. Signs are then put away until needed to indicate success in locating item or in finding the answer to a question. Only teams with both the object in frame and sign held up will be counted! Rounds will be thirty seconds each or until all teams report in. They will continue until out of clues. The GM and SK will serve as judges. There are three kinds of rounds:
- Bounty Round - Contestants are provided with a clue for a household object and are given 30 seconds to find and present to the camera. First person to return with target item in front of camera gets two points, all other finders get one point and must take one sip. If you don’t have any item, you must take two sips.
- Trivia Round - Trivia rounds could be a follow-up or lead-in question. First person to hold up sign and answer correctly gets 2 points, everyone else 1 point/1sip, everyone who did not know the answer takes 2 sips
- Social Round - Social rounds are opportunities for show-and-tell. For example, if the clue is "Weirdest kitchen gadget", then there will have to be some fine demonstrations. Smetimes socials are related to a bounty, sometimes a challenge, sometimes a simple vote. 2 points for winners, 1 sip for losers. We have them listed, but the GM can call a social round at any time.
- Gameplay continues until all clues are exhausted.
- Scores are computed, winner declared.
- Glorious prizes awarded!
Tips and tricks -
- Timekeeping should be more about fun, less about keeping time.
- Include the option of socializing after the game for those who want to. Don't just kill the call after the winner is declared.
- Don't treat the call like a MEETING.
- GM may award Style Points to anyone at anytime.
- Consider recording for posterity. If you do, share some screenshots with us!
For more info, email liz and sean @ owl.pgb@gmail.com

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 2020.