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A Game by Liz and Sean
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"Here we are, trapped in the amber of the moment. There is no why.." -Kurt Vonnegut

The Original List

  1. Trivia/Bounty - "And the dish ran away with the________." (Spoon)
  2. Bounty - Fresh Fruit
  3. Bounty-Improvised or non-improvised PPE of any kind
  4. Trivia/Bounty - There’s probably a book about this young orphan wizard somewhere in your home ____ (Harry Potter)
  5. Social - Grooviest Vinyl Album cover
  6. Trivia/Bounty - Thomas Jefferson is featured on this denomination of folding money.(2 dollar bill)
  7. Trivia/Bounty - In 2010, researchers recovered a crate of Ernest Shackleton’s what____?(Scotch)
  8. Bounty - Shotglass
  9. Social -Everyone of age who drinks alcohol, take a shot!
  10. Bounty - Globe
  11. Bounty - Ski Pole or Golf Club
  12. Trivia - Who is the most famous TikTok peronality right now? (Charlie D’Amelio)
  13. Bounty - Old piece of college memorabilia
  14. Social - Vote on who has the best/oldest college memorabilia
  15. Bounty - Sports jersey
  16. Trivia - This car company is now making ventilator parts. (GM)
  17. Bounty - Musical instrument
  18. Social - play the musical instrument
  19. Bounty - Photograph turned into something (mug, blanket, poster)
  20. Bounty - Toothpick umbrella
  21. Bounty - Pepper grinder
  22. Bounty - Real Flowers or Real houseplant
  23. Bounty - A DVD or CD
  24. Bounty - Kitchen Apron
  25. Bounty - Find the last item of food you’ll eat in your cupboard if it comes to it. Like you'd rather die than consume.
  26. Social - Vote on best/worst food. Maybe eat if there is interest.
  27. Trivia- In "Love is Blind", where did the dates take place? (in isolation "Pods")
  28. Bounty - Incandescent lightbulb, not LED
  29. Bounty - Old phone you don’t use anymore but haven’t thrown out
  30. Bounty - Refillable commemorative cup
  31. Social - Coolest socks being worn now
  32. Bounty - Transforming action figure
  33. Trivia - Name the cruise ship that ran aground in Italy in 2012 (Costa Concordia)
  34. Bounty - A decent length of rope
  35. Bounty - Frisbee
  36. Bounty - Eyelash curler
  37. Bounty - Refrigerator magnet
  38. Social - Vote on weirdest fridge magnet
  39. Bounty - Oldest magazine
  40. Social - Vote on coolest of the old magazines
  41. Bounty - Printed take out menu
  42. Trivia - The man responsible for the yellow fever vaccine (Walter Reed)
  43. Bounty - Candle that smells like food
  44. Bounty - Cereal box with activities
  45. Social - Do a cereal box activity. Like a maze race or word hunt
  46. Bounty - Exotic food not easily found in stores
  47. Bounty - Random fitness accessory
  48. Bounty - An oral thermometer
  49. Bounty - Condiment with someone’s name on it
  50. Social - Who can do the best Nicholson "You can't handle the truth!" or Gibson "Give me Back My Son!"