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A Game by Liz and Sean
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"Theirs is a civilization of deprivation; ours of finely balanced satisfaction ever teetering on the brink of excess." - IAIN M. BANKS, "The State of the Art"

The Bonus Lists

Bonus! The Jerk List.

  1. The ashtray
  2. the remote control
  3. the paddle game
  4. this magazine
  5. the chair

Bonus! The Sesame Street List.

  1. Loaf of Bread
  2. Container of Milk
  3. Stick of Butter

Bonus! The Iron List.

  1. Iron
  2. Soldering Iron
  3. Curling Iron
  4. Waffle Iron
  5. Pizelle Iron
  6. Panini Press
  7. Flat Iron